Beside jars of homemade jam bearing ribbons, people walked a meditation labrynth while in the distance gunfire could be heard.
Only at the Aldergrove Fair could a person see the World Fast Draw Championships with people in western garb shooting old fashioned pistols beside vendors for new age products, food trucks offering Malayasian treats, the traditional agricultural exhibits of a country fair, First Nations drumming, a midway, vintage military vehicles, intuitive readings, a lybrynth, pony rides, and lots of hippies.
Many people donned tie-dyed T-shirts for the fair, which runs July 14 to 16 in Aldergrove, to match this year’s theme of Flower Power. This is the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love in 1967 when hippies went from being on the fringes of society to being mainstream.
The fair organizers, volunteers with the non-profit Aldergrove Fair Days Society, have created a fair with a mix of old and new, hippy dippy and historical, fanciful and farming.
A highlight of the fair was the Sunday presentation of community awards. Ian Dickson won the Hilda Reddick Community Service Award for outstanding service to the community. Fiona Young won the Bev Gold Youth Service Award.
Canadian rockers Trooper perform Saturday evening but there’s entertainment throughout the weekend on two stages, live demonstrations of vintage engines, heritage displays, treats, and the Fairy Magicland which gave lots of little girls reason to wear their princess costumes.
A free Qui Gong demonstration will take place on Sunday on the grass by the Spirit Stage at 11 a.m. People just need to be dressed in comfortable clothing.
$5 is all it takes for the fair raffle. And it could end up being worth $1,000, the value of the lawn and garden equipment that’s first prize.
Second prize is a waffle breakfast for four, lunch for four, passes to the Twilight Drive-In, the Greater Vancouver Zoo, the bowling alley, and Township facilities, a gift basket, two nights accommodation at an Aldergrove hotel, and a wine tasting and tour. It’s valued at $550.
The $450 third prize is a multi-course tasting menu meal for up to five people.
Fourth prize is $120 in gift cards.
There’s stuff just for the younger folks including the Kidzone with live entertainment, animal displays, Fairy Magicland, and, wait for it – zipline jousting. Kids can also make small luges from zuccini and race them on a giant slope.
Don’t forget to stop by all weekend to watch the antique and garden tractor pulling, cowboy church Sunday morning, the chili cookoff Sunday with samples for the public. There’s judges’ choice winners and also best costume/theme. There’s artisans’ alley to pick up unique items, and a beer garden for the grownups.
Sunday, July 16 features music of a more mellow strain. Sunday Afternoon of Blues starts at 1 p.m. with James Thorhaug & Friends, with special guests James ‘Buddy’ Rogers (award winning blues artist) and John ‘The Colonel’ on blues harp.
Everything happens at the Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre and Aldergrove Athletic Park (26770 29th Ave.).
The entertainment and activities at the Aldergrove Fair are free with gate admission thanks to generous community sponsors. Admission is by donation.