As a taxpayer in the province and in the City of Vancouver, I find the lack of classrooms in ÐÔÊӽ紫ý very interesting.
The are schools all over B.C. with portables, some being 20 years old. Also there are schools in B.C. with empty classrooms that could be used, and very close to ÐÔÊӽ紫ý.
Why are high school students not bused to Vancouver and existing classrooms filled up? Let's put the "It's my city; no, it's not my city" aside and be practical for once.
The building boom in ÐÔÊӽ紫ý is not sustainable because you need infrastructure first. Look at your hospital situation, your transit situation, your policing problems, and, yes, for sure, your school enrolment. If you had used common sense over the years, you wouldn't be in the mess that is happening now.
The NDP are printing money in the basement in Victoria and throwing it out there a bit here and a bit there, and no one ever considers the long view.
There is the GVRD (Metro Vancouver): every municipality wants their share now right now, and who cares how much it costs. Everyone wants to build more quickly and collect more tax, but the long-range plan is non existent.
We need to do what Toronto did: one city from Vancouver to Hope. One mayor, one council and oversight for all the taxpayers.
Students in every province in Canada ride school buses to school every day of the week. Some ride for up to two hours, and they are surviving. Life is hard. Everyone cannot have everything in life, and bus rides versus portables and split hours and everything else that goes with the lack of space could be solved if common sense prevailed.
Sandra Latreille, Vancouver