In contrast to Mayor Locke’s comment (article by Tom Zytaruk, Now-Leader, July 11, 2024) that it would be "quite exciting," the proposed extension of 72 Avenue east of 152 Street to 176 Street would be a horrible mistake.
It is based on the flawed assumptions that 1) unbridled human population growth is good and necessary (for the economy), and 2) that the planet has an unlimited capacity to sustain itself. This is not just an issue for ÐÔÊӽ紫ý, but for the planet as a whole that only recently has begun to be addressed seriously. Many scientists believe that we already are too late to stop the human contribution to global warming and its disastrous consequences. We must urgently find and develop a sustainable model to maintain and improve the quality of life in ÐÔÊӽ紫ý and on this planet.
Already, we in ÐÔÊӽ紫ý are struggling with the many negative effects of population growth: choked infrastructure, lack of medical staff and hospital facilities, overcrowded schools, increased crime, decreased sense of living in community, and decreased area of agricultural land to grow food crops. With unbridled population growth, as hoped for by land-developers and many business leaders, the situation in ÐÔÊӽ紫ý (and on the planet) is bound to get worse.
Specifically, the proposed extension of 72 Avenue passes 100 per cent through high-quality agricultural land; land that will be needed in the future for food production.
Regarding transportation infrastructure, the east end of the proposed extension meets 176 Street (Highway 15) just 500 metres south of the major intersection of that street with Fraser Highway. I cannot imagine the huge traffic congestion that would happen in that area during commuting hours!
ÐÔÊӽ紫ý’s council members need to forget the propaganda and pride about becoming the most populous city in B.C. and focus on improving the quality of life for its citizens and for the health of the planet. They can take one small step in the right direction by rethinking this proposal and by not extending 72 Avenue to 176 Street.
John Payne, ÐÔÊӽ紫ý