While some greedy landlords seem content to build their own private condominium in hell during their time here on earth, society – politicians in particular – must nevertheless rescue them from themselves and especially vulnerable renters in their path.
Canada should be ashamed of itself for allowing landlords to impose on senior citizens who’ve played by society’s rules – seniors who’ve faithfully paid their taxes and contributed to their communities even into their twilight years – diabolically high double-digit rent increases without apparent consideration for the fear, stress and devastation this inflicts on them.
While lawyers might say loopholes exist in legislation that permit landlords to impose the impossible on tenants living on fixed incomes, and politicians might jab bony fingers at other politicians, blaming one another for allowing it to occur, a decent and humane society simply does not indulge such mercilessness.
Those in positions of authority cannot be allowed the luxury of willful blindness.
Legislation and regulations containing loopholes that permit landlords to impose upon tenants impossible financial burden needs to be clearly identified, changed to close those loopholes and then stringently enforced.
It’s not enough for politicians to gripe and moan that this is somebody else’s problem to fix. It behooves us all to find out where the buck stops, and then compel those with the power to change legislation to protect tenants from preposterous rent increases to get this situation fixed, now.
– Now-Leader
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